Favism or G6PD Deficiency: What You Need to Know

You’ve probably heard of or known someone who can’t eat fava beans or can’t take certain medications. This individual has a condition known as G6PD deficiency. What is G6PD and how does it influence your body, making you intolerant to certain foods and medications? What is G6PD: Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase is an enzyme that accelerates biochemical […]

Three Tips To Optimize The Absorption of Oral Calcium Supplements

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. In addition to its role in building and maintaining bone and teeth structure, calcium is also important for other physiologic functions among others, muscles contraction, blood coagulation and the regulation of nerve impulses(1). The only source of calcium is food. Your doctor may prescribe calcium supplements if you fail to […]

Disulfiram-Like Reaction (Medication-Alcohol Reaction): What you need to know

Have you ever been told by your doctor to avoid alcohol when taking a medical treatment? Well that’s because some medications can cause the Disulfiram like reaction when consumed simultaneously with alcohol. What is the Disulfiram like reaction? How do some medications react with alcohol and what is the origin of the side effects? This article will help you understand! […]

Iron Supplements: How To Optimize Absorption?

Iron deficiency is the most common deficiency in the world(1). Your physician will prescribe iron supplement based on laboratory results and clinical examination. There are in the market many types of iron salts, some are combined with vitamins like vitamin C or vitamin B6, others are better absorbed or more tolerated. Whatever the brand you are prescribed, some recommendations are […]


Medication Guides provides useful information regarding treatments, medications and diseases. As healthcare professionals we believe that the best outcome of a treatment is achieved when patients understand every aspect of the treatment including medication’s administration, adverse reactions, mechanism of action… That’s why our goal is to transmit scientific information in a simple and efficacious way. This site is addressed to […]

Vitamin C: Three Things To Know

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is an essential vitamin for body functioning, and because humans cannot synthesize it(1), our main source of Vitamin C is food. Vitamin C pills are also a source of the vitamin and contain either vitamin C alone or in combination with other vitamins and elements. While the deficiency of vitamin C is very rare (because […]